Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Although I Play One On TV, I'm Not Really A Bulletproof Trust Fund Baby

And just how many times today have I heard that bit of enlightenment from our morally bankrupt waitress, Bambi Lustgarden? Too many times to count. Peeling back the layers of this wayward onion merely reveals a gum-chewing chippy doling out a daily infusion of disingenuous diatribe. Abhorrent subterfuge continually spews from her mouth like lunch from a super model and if this bathroom stall doll were anatomically correct, I'm thoroughly convinced she'd now be carrying Karl Rove's three-eyed hellbaby to full term. And wearing George Dubya Hitler's codpiece over her bouffant coiffure doesn't sound like a wholesome activity, either. Bourgeois vomit broker.


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

You must write a book, yellow cake!!! I bet you have a zillion characters in your head. DH and I love to make characters out of people who drive past in cars or ones who we follow who are driving us nuts and we can't pass because of curves. Or people we see in stores.

How far have you gotten on a ms?


Yellow Cake said...


Thanks for the nice comment. Find me a publisher who likes my bathroom stall humor. Heck, I'm even willing to forget 'bout any type of advance, to boot. Wanna be my agent?

What's an "ms"?

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

A ms is a manuscript. A wip is a work in progress. Different lines have different word counts. If you use Microsoft Word when you write your ms, you can set the program for how editors like to see the ms content. Before they used to go by estimated word count...number of pages X words, but lately I've been hearing the editors want actual word count. That is something to check out in the line you're targeting.

I am anxiously awaiting your wip on the next post. :D