Saturday, August 4, 2007

Performing The Heimlich Maneuver On Ann Coulter's Poodle...But Not In A Gay Way

No. No one can say that I haven't done my good deed for the day. And it's a good thing Michael Vick didn't get his grubby mitts on that dysfunctional pituitary case before I did. Otherwise, the toxic tinkerbell would now be serving as cannon fodder for some San Antonian dog fighting entrepreneur. And as for the pooch? Well, the poodle would've been taken for a one way ride to some Chinatown butcher shop.

Sure, It all smacks of deception but here's the rub: Brit Hume continues to sing the praises of a certain Reich Wing political party brimming with treasonists, while Blackwater mercenaries patrol my street in search of some effervescent pickle-sniffer with an exceeding amount of spunk in the trunk. Machiavellian aspirants.


Her Stories said...

FYI, the picture in that happy birthday post is not me -.-"!

Calista*Was*Here said...

Do really Blackwater mercenaries patrol your street?!

I have some more questions, u know that.

Anyway it sounds very funny!